
Simple Machines

Page history last edited by TeresaLynn 14 years, 10 months ago


Simple Machines





A simple machine has few or no moving parts. The 5 pictures above are a few examples of simple machines.


6 Simple Machines we will learn about:

*Inclined Plane





*Wheel and Axle


Key Words for the Unit:






To help you better understand and recognize these 6 simple machines, you will create a "little book." Each page of your "little book" will have the name of a simple machine, the defintion, and a picture for each simple machine. Your "little book" will also need to have a cover that includes a title, your name, and a picture. Have Fun and Be Creative!


Below are the directions for creating your "little book."


*Page 1: define simple machines and list the 6 simple machines we are going to be studying throughout the unit

*Page 2: Choose your first simple machine and at the top, with creative writing, write the name of the simple machine. On this page you should also include a definition, 2 examples, and a picture for each example.

*Pages 3-7: Repeat the above step for Page 2


*When trying to think of or draw examples for each of your simple machines, you may use the internet to reference to, but all of your drawings are to be hand drawn.


Good Luck, Have Fun, Be Creative, and I Can't Wait to See Your "Little Books!"


Introduction to Unit.notebook


Making Butter Activity


Friction Activity


Inclined Planes


Wedges Are All Around Us


Screw vs Nail Activity


Wheel and Axle Activity






Scavenger Hunt


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